At Cooroy State School, we believe homework can be a useful reinforcer to information learnt at school. Homework also helps to promote healthy study habits for later in life as well as create a valuable link between home and school.
Homework Activities
Homework activities will vary across the school depending upon the age of the student and the current academic focus/es within the year level. Homework may include:
Sight words
Literacy activities
Number facts/recall
Numeracy activities
Assignments and projects
Homework Length
Homework is designed to be a reinforcing activity for work completed in class earlier that day or week. Depending upon the age level of your child/ren there is a different expectation of time that should be spent completing homework:
Prep – year 3, set homework could be up to but generally not more than 1 hour per week
Year 4 – year 5, set homework could be up to but generally not more than 2-3 hours per week
Year 6, set homework could be up to but general not more than 3-4 hours per week
Non-Completion of Homework
As homework is a valuable reinforcer to learning, it is expected that all students complete set homework. We do understand that students have other commitments outside of school hours, and it is for this reason that most homework is set over a week period to allow for its successful completion. However, there are consequences for homework that is not completed. This may include completing the homework within the student’s lunch break. If you feel your child has a genuine reason for not completing their homework please talk with your classroom teacher.
Homework Helpers
There are many things that parents can do to assist with the homework process and increase student success. Below are a few you may find helpful:
Have a consistent time that homework occurs each day. Children respond well to routine and are more likely to complete their homework with a consistent time and place to complete it.
Ensure the location where homework is completed is free from distractions. Make sure the TV/radio is turned off so full concentration can be given to homework.
Be prepared to monitor and assist when necessary. Often children will become ‘stuck’ with something. Monitoring their work rate and offering assistance in these instances can help complete the work.
Make the overall experience positive. Highlight the effort and work completed. Offer a small reward when homework is completed. Children respond well to positive reinforcers. Play a game together or watch TV when completed.