This Chaplaincy position, provided through the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program (NSCSWP), is supported and funded through the Australian Government Department of Education, Training and Employment, as well as school fundraising and donations.
The role of a Chaplain or Chappy, is to provide social, emotional, and other support to school communities, primarily in the best interests of the students. Chappies provide a listening ear and a caring presence for kids in crisis, and those who just need a friend. They also provide support for school staff and parents and help build positive rapport in the school community.
Chaplain Matty Bateson, has returned to CSS in 2023, now working most Tuesdays & Thursdays, employed through SU Australia.
If you have any questions regarding the chaplaincy service or would like to discuss your child's access to a particular program, please contact the school on 075472 2100 or