Cooroy State School offers parents a number of payment methods to help keep their school fees up to date:
BPoint Biller Code - 1002534: follow the link on your invoice
To arrange Centrepay, please go to The Service Provider is: Cooroy State School & the CRN is 555-085-262-B
To ensure your Direct Deposit is receipted correctly, please quote your child's name, their Student ID number or the invoice number to which your payment relates. These details can be found on your invoice.
Please note that due to security procedures implemented by Education Qld in 2019, we are unable to process credit card payments over the phone.
Don't forget, you can also use the QParents app and BPoint to pay your school fees or activity costs.
For any refunds or credits to accounts, please download the Request for Refund form and return to Administration for processing.
If you experience financial difficulties in meeting the payment of accounts, please do not hesitate to contact our Business Manager, Vonnie Mackenzie, at or on 5472 2100 to arrange a suitable payment plan.
Student Resource Scheme
Cooroy State School's focus is to provide the same standard of resources to all our students while providing parents with a convenient way to source items that their child needs for school. Participation in the Student Resource Scheme ensures that your child will receive these resources.
If you have previously agreed to be part of the Student Resource Scheme at Cooroy, your participation is assumed for the remainder of your child's enrolment unless you inform the school otherwise. You will not need to submit another Participation Form and you will be automatically invoiced and sent via email.
This year's participation fees remain unchanged at $95/child (with a ceiling of $285 for families with three or more children). To opt out of the scheme you will first need to read the information below before completing another Participation Form to advise of your withdrawal.
If you are unsure whether you have signed a Participation Form, please contact the office either by phone 5472 2100 or email
The Student Resource provides the following advantages :
- Provides book list stationery shortfalls after Term 2. If your child runs out of exercise books, pens, pencils, rubbers, rulers etc. originally acquired at the beginning of the school year as part of the Book List, your participation in the Student Resource Scheme will mean the school can provide shortfalls in any of these consumables.
- Downloading and printing of curriculum related reference materials for students. This avoids the need for text books.
- Individual student's classroom printing.
- Resources as part of the Arts Curriculum to enhance additional learning opportunities in these areas.
- Membership to on-line learning platforms if required.
The Student Resource Scheme does NOT include excursions/incursions or camps.
More detailed information on the scheme, on payment options and what to do if you choose not to participate, are detailed below.
We thank you for your continued support and contribution to your child's education.

What if I choose not to participate in the Scheme?
- If a child exhausts their “book list" stationery supplies, parents will be responsible for filling these shortfalls.
- Parents will be provided with a list of consumables that will need to be supplied to their child's classroom.
- The cost of any subscriptions for online platforms will need to be met by the parents.
Payment Options
- Payment may be made either by direct deposit, via BPoint or Q Parents or via cash or EFTPOS if paying in person.
- Payment through Centrelink (Centrepay) – you can set this up through your MyGov on-line portal which enables fortnightly deductions towards your Student Resource Scheme. However please contact the school for the school's service provider number.
- Payment Plan – this can be arranged with the school's Business Manager. This gives you flexibility to pay for the scheme across the first semester.